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Peter Buseck | Bosch Reutlingen

Peter Buseck

Director IT & Automation
BOSCH Reutlingen

Smarter Manufacturing for a Connected Ecosystem

The Ecosystem of Bosch Semiconductor Plant Reutlingen is separated in several dimensions. Dealing with 150mm and 200mm on one side as well as an 800 recipe process flow distributed over four buildings and different building levels are just two aspects. Operating manufacturing processes for wafers and diced components, tracing products from waferstart to final test including external assembly partners are additional ones. Smart solutions in Digitalisation and Automation can lead to a connected ecosystem for all of these dimensions.

This session will show current activities in Digitalisation and Automation at Bosch Semiconductor Plant Reutlingen driven by a strong expansion of our manufacturing area. Main focus is how smart projects and innovative solutions lead to a virtual and physical connection of a distributed and separated ecosystem.

About Peter Buseck

1997: Diploma Business Engineering, University Siegen

1997: Robert Bosch GmbH, Semiconductor Plant Reutlingen

2009: Robert Bosch Elektronika Kft., Manufacturing Plant Hatvan Hungary

2012: Robert Bosch GmbH, Semiconductor Plant Reutlingen

Since 2014 responsible for IT & Automation