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Marcin Mosinski |  Robert Bosch Semiconductor Manufacturing Dresden

Dr. Marcin Mosinski

Senior Manager "Manufacturing Digitalisation Services"
Robert Bosch Semiconductor Manufacturing Dresden

Next level of automation: Handling business processes at Bosch’s AIoT wafer fab

In the modern data-driven Bosch semiconductor factory in Dresden, we see the digitization of business processes as the next level of automation and as a central building block to enhance competitiveness. In an environment where numerous business processes, including Experiment Management, Setup Management, Deviation Management, and many others, follow a similar pattern – from manual data-based creation of parameter sets through the approval process to the automated parameterization in primary IT systems – it is logical to employ an IT platform that enables the easy and rapid development of business process apps.

We leverage the benefits of low-code techniques and a data-centric IT architecture. The standardization and extensive digitization of these business processes not only contribute to increased efficiency but also enable complete traceability of all processes and enhance data quality. In the presentation, we will gladly walk through the journey from the initial idea through IT implementation to the results, as well as challenges and future prospects.

About Dr. Marcin Mosinski

Dr.-Ing. Marcin Mosinski is a Senior Manager of “Manufacturing Digitalization Services” with additional responsibilities as Program Manager for “Fab Information and Control Systems” at Bosch Semiconductor FAB in Dresden.

Experienced IT Manager and expert in Simulation, AI, and Control Systems with a proven track record in the semiconductor industry, particularly in the areas of manufacturing IT, industrial engineering, and data-driven fab control.

Holds a Doctor of Engineering degree in Computer Science from Universität der Bundeswehr München, underscoring a commitment to the field and dedication to advancing technology in the semiconductor sector.