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Dr. Christian Schubert | Infineon Technologies

Dr. Christian Schubert

Principal Engineer Automation
Infineon Technologies

Virtual prototyping of new features for a legacy conveyor transport system

When ramping production capacity within an existing fab many obstacles have to be overcome. One challenge might be restrictions in the current transportation system layout. These restrictions need to be identified and alleviated well before the actual ramp happens as substantial changes to a legacy system usually require a long lead time.

Faced with this situation Infineon Dresden, together with FlowLogix GmbH, developed a detailed simulation model of its 200mm conveyor transport system. The model was verified and used to show that actions needed to be taken to support the planned ramp operations.

Subsequently, the same model was employed to develop a new functionality, the so-called Cluster Manager, in simulation first. This allowed us to evaluate its potential with a high level of confidence and to mature the algorithm without any impact to production. Once it worked in simulation we were able to implement it into the real control systems in a very short time without any major setbacks and were subsequently able to observe the improvements we predicted.

About Dr. Christian Schubert

Dr. Christian Schubert, a seasoned engineer, is deeply passionate about cutting-edge technology and relentlessly pursues best-in-class solutions. Since joining Infineon in 2015, he has spearheaded several successful large-scale improvement projects, with a strong focus on software optimization and data science. Dr. Schubert holds a PhD from Dresden University, where his research centered around mechanical multibody simulation algorithms. Additionally, he earned an MSc from Manchester University in Advanced Control and Systems Engineering.