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Social Media & Marketing Tool Kit

How can I promote my participation at the Innovation Forum for Automation 2024?

We’re really excited to have you take part in the Innovation Forum for Automation! We’ve put together this marketing toolkit to help you spread the word about your participation across your own channels. This kit includes all the handles, hashtags, graphics assets you might need to help promote your participation at the event.


Our main social media platform is the business network LinkedIn. You can find the Automation Network Dresden on the platform as well as all the organizing companies. The suggested tags, texts and graphics below are optimized for use on LinkedIn.

Event Hashtags

Don’t forget to use the official event hashtags in your posts to boost engagement:


Please use these hashtags and tag our handles to let us know you posted about the Innovation Forum for Automation. We will gladly share and comment on your posts to boost your visibility, reach and engagement.

Sample captions & graphics for LinkedIn

Pick a caption

Join me at the Innovation Forum for Automation #inno2025 on [SESSION DATE]! I’m presenting on [INSERT PRESENTATION TITLE]. Head here to get more infos and register: https://www.innovation-forum-automation.com

So excited to be speaking for [@COMPANY NAME] at the Innovation Forum for Automation #inno2025, on [SESSION DATE]! Register and learn more about my talk: [SPEAKER LINK]

I’m so excited to speak at the Innovation Forum for Automation #inno2025 in January! Learn more about my talk, [INSERT PRESENTATION TITLE], and remember to add it to your schedule. Head here to get more infos and register: https://www.innovation-forum-automation.com



We’re proud to be a sponsor at #inno2025 in Dresden! Join us for the #automation industry’s premier event. Learn more here: https://www.innovation-forum-automation.com 

Attention #automation enthusiasts! Join us at #inno2025 in Dresden, January 30-31, 2025 for a leading industry event. We’re sponsoring! https://www.innovation-forum-automation.com



I’m headed to Dresden on January 30-31 to attend the Innovation Forum for Automation #inno25. Let’s talk about the latest innovations and challenges on our digital manufacturing and automation journey. Register here: https://www.innovation-forum-automation.com

I’m about to attend #inno24 with other automation enthusiast in Dresden. Take the opportunity to dive into the latest factory automation technology developments, challenges and solutions and join me on January 30-31, 2025! Learn more about this event: https://www.innovation-forum-automation.com 

Delighted to be attending the Innovation Forum for Automation #inno2025, from January 30-31 in Dresden. I’ll be joining more than 300 other automation enthusiasts. Hopefully I’ll see you there! Learn more and register here: https://www.innovation-forum-automation.com




We’re off to Dresden from January 30-31 to join the Innovation Forum for Automation #inno25 and hope to see you there! Learn more about this special event for automation enthusiast: https://www.innovation-forum-automation.com

Join us at the Innovation Forum for Automation #inno2025 on January 30-31 in Dresden! Connect with us and other automation enthusiasts and let’s exchange about the latest innovations and challenges on our digital manufacturing and automation journey. Head over here to get more infos and register: https://www.innovation-forum-automation.com




Sample text snippets & graphics for your website

We appreciate you announcing your participation on your companie's website, blog etc.. To aid you with this process, please find some easy-to-use text samples below:

[COMPANY NAME] joins 22nd. Innovation Forum for Automation Forum 2025 in Dresden

From January 30 to 31, 2025, automation experts will once again meet at the Innovation Forum for Automation in Dresden Germany. This special event dives deep into the world of automation, offering exciting insights into real-world implemented projects.

The Innovation Forum for Automation is a yearly event for the high-tech manufacturing automation community. International experts from leading companies will be sharing their latest innovations and challenges on their digital manufacturing and automation journey.

In addition to professional knowledge gain, it also offers an intimate, friendly, and open-minded space for networking and fruitful exchange amongst other automation enthusiasts.

When: January 30-31, 2025
Where: DGUV Congress Centre, Dresden / Germany

Let’s connect! Join us and register now: www.innovation-forum-automation.com

[FIRMENNAME] nimmt am 22. Innovation Forum for Automation Forum 2025 in Dresden teil

Am 30. und 31. Januar 2025 treffen sich Automatisierungsexperten zum 22. Mal beim Innovation Forum for Automation in Dresden.

Hier zeigen Automatisierungsexperten aus internationalen Technologieunternehmen erfolgreiche Anwendungsbeispiele für Industrie 4.0. und geben mit praxisnahen Anwendungsbeispielen Einblicke in die Zukunft der Fabrikautomation.

Das Innovation Forum for Automation richtet sich an Unternehmensentscheider und Fachspezialisten, die nach Technologien, Methoden und Lösungen suchen, um ihre industriellen Fertigungsprozesse schrittweise zu optimieren, um selbst möglichst schnell und flexibel auf veränderte Kundenanforderungen in der Produktion reagieren zu können.

Das Event bietet Automatisierungsenthusiasten neben der fachlichen Komponente einen entspannten Rahmen für Austausch, Diskussion und Networking. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie vor Ort zu treffen!

Wann: 30. – 31. Januar 2025
Wo: DGUV Kongresszentrum, Dresden

Weitere Informationen & Registrierung: www.innovation-forum-automation.com

Happy Sharing!